EXHIBIT H2            


Mr. Eric Holder the U.S. Attorney General and Mr. Stuart J. Ishimaru, then EEOC's Acting Chairman  were given  evidence that EEOC's Baltimore, Maryland Headquarters at City Crescent Building, 10 South Howard Street, 3rd Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21201, 1 – 866 – 408 – 8075 or 410 – 209 – 2237/2761, Fax: 410 – 962 – 4270, had engaged in DISCRIMINATORY CONDUCT under the Fifth Amendment  similar to,  exactly like and in some cases worse than,  what a Federal Civil Rights Judge for EEOC, two Federal Senior Investigators for EEOC, Rev. Oscar S. Tillman, President/National Board of Directors NAACP and the Justices for Supreme Court of the United States of America, complained about below. 

"EEOC Discriminates"





A Federal Civil Rights Judge for EEOC,

the honorable

Ms. Mary Elizabeth Bullock

A 27 yr Senior Federal Investigator for EEOC, Dr. GiGi Casteo



"The EEOC Perpetrates Fraud" 

A 10 year Senior  Federal Investigator  



Ricardo Jones



On or about February 18, 2009, the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, specifically "urged people of all races to use Black History Month as a chance for honest discussion of racial matters, including issues of health care, education, and economic disparities." See full text online at:

Two months later on or about April 18, 2009 PRESIDENT OBAMA, specifically stated "That means strengthening whistle blower protections for government employees who stepped forward to report wasteful spending."

Three months later in September 2009,  Mr. Jones then a 10 year Senior Federal Civil Rights Investigator for EEOC believed the February 2009 speech of U.S. Attorney General ERIC HOLDER, believed PRESIDENT OBAMA’s April 2009 speech, believed in EEOC’s mission statement, believed in the U.S. Constitution and did exactly what President Obama and the Attorney General Eric Holder asked federal employees and concern citizens alike to do, in summary exercise their free speech rights too, Mr. Jones did just that he exercised his free speech rights too and put the foregoing appointees and PRESIDENT OBAMA on notice with evidence that The EEOC Perpetrates Fraud. The EEOC is not investigating African  – American complaints from New York to North Carolina. and more in December 2010, and in January 2011.

 Thereafter  Mr. Jones  was subjected to numerous discriminatory/retaliatory adverse employment consequences, for exercising his first amendment free speech rights, Believing in EEOC’s mission statement, Believing in the U.S. Constitution and listing to  PRESIDENT OBAMA’s and the Attorney General ERIC HOLDER’s speeches in the foregoing.





"...EEOC did absolutely nothing with it."




Federal Express Corp.


Holowecki 552 U.S. 389 (2008)

With respect to this petition the process EEOC's Baltimore field office used concerning numerous civil right charges filed against WSSC is equal to and in some cases worse than the complaints of the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court as well as the plaintiff's in Federal Express Corp. v. Holowecki 552 U.S. 389 (2008)



Example #1:


"MR. Heytens, ......This whole situation can be traceable back to the agency, and I whoever ends up bearing the burden of it, it's the agency's fault, and this scheme has to be revised."


Example #2:  "So that even though the charge was filed and  –  –  EEOC did absolutely nothing with it."




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